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Blog, In Theory

mischief, current affairs, songs + poems + stories, music-ness galore....

Saturday, December 26, 2009

It's Hard To Say "I Do" when I Don't

Could it be any truer?


Last Post (if I knew how to delete, I would)

I'm just the man on the balcony
"Nobody will ever remember me"

Humph.. No readers, nada, zip, zilch, zero.. Etc.

Merry Christmas to anyone who is desperate enough to read this..

Goodbye. :\

If you have some time on your hands

A downward spiral just a pirouette

Monday, November 30, 2009

So bury me in memory.

Reading through Tavi's blog, I could sense an ever growing sense of inferiority coming over me. Here is this girl, the same age as me, who is confident and smart and witty and...I could go on and on, and still would feel inferior. She is successful and practically has her career set...and she's only a teenager. Not only can I not ever hope to become like her, I can barely hope to become ANYTHING recognizable. Well, I CAN hope, but I'm not sure if it'll ever happen. In my wildest dreams, I have been a famous journalist or author, a musician and once, a scientist. All three of them seem so tempting to me.

In my most recent daydreams, I am performing my own song that I have written, and, suddenly and for no reason at all, my favourite band, Fall Out Boy, come out of nowhere and say that I am very talented and I should go on tour with them. I doubt that this will ever happen..Well, I like to hope but...

Also, in my fantasies, I have written a successful series of adventure books, and...then I wake up and I realise that I'm just a normal thirteen year old girl who can play guitar, and who can sing a bit, but is not the greatest guitar player ever,and can barely be heard when I sing and the girl who likes science and does good in it at school, but is not the future Einstein. Then I see the girl who loves reading and writing stories but has been suffering from writers block for the past year.

I will never believe in anything again,
Though change will come, oh, change will come,
I will never believe in anything again.

Thanks for reading.

Whoever you are.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This story's getting old, a home-wrecker with a heart of gold.

Well, I COULDN'T stay away! I don't really have much to say because of school and stuff.. I've been writing more songs but am too self-conscious to post them up here!! Maybe I'll boost my confidence and they'll be up here by December?? I don't really know. I guess, when I started this blog, I expected to be an overnight sensation, as famous as that girl Tavi. But Rome wasn't built in a day, I suppose...(But the whole world was built in seven of them..And my blog's been around longer than that!) It probably took Tavi a while to get famous, but then again, I don't really write about interesting things. I promise I will soon!!



Saturday, November 7, 2009


I'm giving up on the Internet..It's just so annoying!! I keep on getting weird e-mails and stuff so I will be taking a break from this blogging stuff!!

(i'm talking about chain mail + weird invites from girls who used to be in my class)

So, if there's anyone who discovers this blog, I'll be on occasionally but I'm giving up on going on the computer because I spend too much time on it anyway and my back is starting to curve and hurt and I think my brain cells are dying.. You can see my Twitter at
If that doesn't work, I've made a mistake..:O

Goodbye! (for now)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Just Another Face (new song for all my fans..not that anyones reading this but oh well)

This song was written really quickly because I got a good idea. May have to go over it + edit it but heres the UN edited version!! Yourre so lucky!!!

Here goes nothing :)

It's called
and I own these lyrics + bla bla bla, yadda yadda + i own ALL the lyrics (the ones that I say i write!! not the monster mash ones and stuff!!)

Gotta get new lungs
And let them loose
Add a drop of clementine
Don’t call me Mr. Benzedrine
(Call me “Ms”)

I’ll always remember
The time I waited up all night
Just to see a dream come true
Come midnight, much to “their” delight
It hadn’t come true

I need some more imagination
I need a better reputation
I need new hair, new clothes
New sense of humour

What would I even ask you
If I could spend a whole day with you
Your bodyguards would be in the way
So I wouldn’t get through to you (get through to you)

Livin’ in the fast lane
On a slow news day
Livin’ short, livin' fast and livin' loud
Living living living
The life I’ve always dreamed of

Fame fame fame
Who is really to blame
Is it the lights, the power, the a-a-adoring

Fame fame fame
Who is really to blame
The lights, the power, the fans
Fame fame fame

Scream until I’m hoarse
I’m just another face to you
Yeah sure you’ll wave you’ll flash
Your winning smile that helped you get famous in the first place
But really I’m just another face

You’ll play and then you’ll be done
Moving on to the next location
Yeah sure you’ll thank us all for coming out
But we’re all just more faces

I can make a poster
Depicting my love for you
Obsessively watching anything to do with you
I can worship you from far away but really
Really I’m just another face
To you

New *EDITED!!* Version of my song.. Entitled "Bubblegum Bl(ew)ues"

My desperation has reached its
Statue of limitations
And all I can think about is the way
The sunlight hit your hair well it
Made my day

All around you
The stars seem to shine the birds start to fly
And they’re singing (they’re singing)

Bye bye birdie hope you had a nice trip
And I’ll see you next fall
Bye bye birdie bye bye bye bye

Adoration is just another word for
And I've got them down to a science
Every sentence I say full of benevolence

So bye bye birdie hope I have a nice trip
Hope I see you next fall
Bye bye birdie bye bye bye bye

Hopelessness is just a phase
I have learned that there’s many different ways
To praise
You in my own way

Hopelessness is just a phase
I have learned that there’s many different ways
To praise
You in my own way

Hopelessness is just a phase
Just a phase just a phase

So bye bye birdie hope you had a nice trip I’ll see you next fall


Favourite Things

  • Books, All books
  • Phoenix Wright
  • Paramore
  • Mah guitar ;)
  • Fall Out Boy
  • Skulduggery Pleasant
  • Cirque Du Freak

What is the best thing here?


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